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Lyle V. Anderson [4]Lyle Vincent Anderson [1]
  1. Moral dilemmas, deliberation, and choice.Lyle V. Anderson - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (3):139-162.
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  2. Lyle V. Anderson -- the representation and resolution of the nuclear conflict.Lyle V. Anderson - 1984 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 10 (3-4):67-79.
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    “Unintended” Nuclear War.Lyle V. Anderson - 1988 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 1 (1):23-45.
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    Essays on Individualism. [REVIEW]Lyle V. Anderson - 1987 - Review of Metaphysics 41 (2):381-383.
    These essays survey the logical product of Dumont's earlier classics, Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and Its Implications, and From Mandeville to Marx: The Genesis and Triumph of Economic Ideology. As comparative anthropologist, Dumont sets himself two main tasks: to describe the emergence of individualism as the peculiarly modern category of explanation, and to show how this emergence has interacted with both premodern and postmodern variants of holism. This is no small task, when the author proposes to trace the lineage (...)
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